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Guiding Principles

At Learning to Flourish, we passionately embrace the ethos of Positive Education, anchoring our educational framework in its principles. Derived from the dynamic blend of Positive Psychology and cutting-edge educational research, Positive Education promotes the holistic well-being and character development of both students and educators. Our steadfast commitment ensures the infusion of scientifically-backed practices known to amplify happiness and enrich the learning journey.

Our families are our cornerstone. We take pride in forging transparent communication channels and cultivating relationships rooted in trust and mutual respect. Our promise to deliver unparalleled quality childcare is demonstrated through:


Comprehensive Care

We provide Brand Name diapers & pull ups, hypoallergenic wipes, cot sheets, and blankets to ensure your child's comfort.


Optimized Learning Environments

We wholeheartedly believe that fostering close, nurturing interactions between educators and students is pivotal for academic and personal growth. With our commitment to maintaining class sizes that surpass state standards, we ensure every child receives individualized attention and care.


Inspiring Educators

Our educators aren't just teachers; they're mentors who ardently invest in fostering positive relationships. Every member of our team embodies our guiding principles, forming bonds with students that go beyond classrooms.


Pathways to Flourishing Curriculum

Our exclusive curriculum is a tapestry of intentional learning experiences, crafted to ignite curiosity and a deep-seated sense of wonder. Drawing inspiration from global best practices in early childhood education, we champion creative exploration, hands-on learning, foundational literacy, mathematical insights, and the joys of outdoor education.

Nourishing the Body & Soul

Nutrition isn't just about eating; it's about fueling growth and vitality. Our comprehensive meal plan includes a wholesome breakfast, lunch accompanied by fresh fruits and vegetables, and a nutritious snack. Every ingredient is chosen with care, emphasizing organic meats and dairy. Adhering to the 'dirty dozen' and 'clean 15' standards, we also prioritize accommodating food allergies and dietary preferences to ensure the well-being of every child.


Choose Learning to Flourish – where every day is a journey towards holistic development, boundless happiness, and a future filled with promise!

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